Why Catholic?

As I have mentioned in this blog before my husband is NOT Catholic, and we actually go to two churches each Sunday. This by no means is a convenient or easy thing to do with a family of seven. But I can't think of a better way to handle the situation.

When I married my Husband, I knew he was a serious Baptist who loved his faith, and I was a serious Catholic who LOVED my faith. We naively thought we could eventually convert the other, and I guess in a way are still trying. You know how they say love is blind? Yes..... it is.

But here is the thing, I love my husband. He is isn't perfect. But neither am I. His faith and church is full of errors, but mine could improve in some ways also. (Notice how I worded that.) I have learned a lot from attending his church over the years about how children's programs, and small groups can do wonders for building community in a church.

I have also grown stronger in my Catholic faith, because I have someone questioning me about every belief, tradition, and practice. It has forced me to look for answers, and as I found them, I have grown more in LOVE with my Catholic faith.  Again I am NO SAINT, but I hope to be someday!!! 

If you are someone who grew up Catholic and fell away from the church because you weren't feeling it. I would encourage you to ask the tough questions. Why does the Catholic church believe what we do? If you are at all concerned about finding the truth, I am strongly convinced it will lead you back to the one true church.

Here are a few great resources to check out if your curious...
The Coming Home Network
Catholic Answers
Scott Hahn

What favorite Resources to do you go to when sharing our faith with others???

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