Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Car Seat Theology


Car Seat Theology

 Ez 18:21-28

I recently had a conversation with a friend regarding Car Seats.  My friend takes the safety laws regarding car seats extremely seriously because she recognizes that not following these rules can result in a fatal accident.  During the conversation with her I had an epiphany.  It is the same with God.  He has given us certain commands, that we are free to choose to obey or ignore.  However if we ignore them not following these rules may result in a serious accident involving the state of our soul.  The first reading today from Ezekiel is telling us this very truth.

 “If he keeps all my statutes and does what is right and just, he shall surely live, he shall not die.”  This is not a threat that God is going to come and get us, if we don’t behave.  But rather an admission that God Loves us, and wants what is good for us. He gives us his statutes to keep us alive, just like car seats.  Sure, some of God’s law may seem restricting and uncomfortable at times - but wouldn’t we rather be safe than sorry?  Either way, God’s law is LOVE, and if we keep all his laws and do what is right and just, we shall surely LIVE. 


 How can I see God’s Commands for my life as life giving instead of restricting?


Heavenly Father, You are so GOOD.  Your Law and Statutes are Goodness and Love.  Help me to always strive to do what is right and just so that I may Live.

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