Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Car Seat Theology


Car Seat Theology

 Ez 18:21-28

I recently had a conversation with a friend regarding Car Seats.  My friend takes the safety laws regarding car seats extremely seriously because she recognizes that not following these rules can result in a fatal accident.  During the conversation with her I had an epiphany.  It is the same with God.  He has given us certain commands, that we are free to choose to obey or ignore.  However if we ignore them not following these rules may result in a serious accident involving the state of our soul.  The first reading today from Ezekiel is telling us this very truth.

 “If he keeps all my statutes and does what is right and just, he shall surely live, he shall not die.”  This is not a threat that God is going to come and get us, if we don’t behave.  But rather an admission that God Loves us, and wants what is good for us. He gives us his statutes to keep us alive, just like car seats.  Sure, some of God’s law may seem restricting and uncomfortable at times - but wouldn’t we rather be safe than sorry?  Either way, God’s law is LOVE, and if we keep all his laws and do what is right and just, we shall surely LIVE. 


 How can I see God’s Commands for my life as life giving instead of restricting?


Heavenly Father, You are so GOOD.  Your Law and Statutes are Goodness and Love.  Help me to always strive to do what is right and just so that I may Live.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Confirmation Season is upon us! Need Saintly Gifts? Check out my Red Bubble Store

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Are we ready for the workout?


Lent starts this week on February 14th with Ash Wednesday and if you are an active Catholic your email inbox might look like mine; flooded with ways to make this year’s Lent the MOST AMAZING LENT EVER.   There is no shortage of publications, email subscription lists, and prayer meditations for you to subscribe to make your journey through lent a powerful one.   But will you?

As Catholics, our Lenten experience is supposed to be a bit of a workout.  It is 40 days of spiritual weightlifting.    Sacrifice, Prayer, and Charitable works. This is the trifecta for your Lenten Exercises.   However you decide to spend your Lent, just like with a workout regime, it’s best to come up with a plan BEFORE you begin.  Think about your Lenten Goals. Think about what ways God is calling you to grow.  Take time to discern and listen to the will of God, and then pray for God to reveal himself to you in a powerful way!  Decide now, which resources will be best for you.

Prayer Resources: There is something for everyone.   Are you into podcasts? Listening to prayer? Know the basics of how to use a smartphone?  Then the Catholic App HALLOW is amazing!  There is a free version with access to wonderful prayer resources and talks or a paid subscription that unlocks content to keep you listening and praying through the day.  This is one of my favorites to use with my family and has wonderful content for children as well. If you sit in front of a computer all day long, then perhaps filling your inbox with prayer spam isn’t a bad idea.  The Catholic Company sends a daily reflection that only takes a few minutes to read each morning. 

Ideas for Fasting: I recently heard a wonderful teaching on fasting that reminded me that fasting without a purpose or a goal is called dieting.  When we fast, we should be fasting for a reason. During Lent, our reason can be to unite our suffering to Christ to be more like him and to grow in our relationship with him.  Fast from something that will make you uncomfortable.  I once fasted from Coffee for Lent, this became a sacrifice for my entire family.

Suggestions for Charity:  We are very blessed here at Christ the King in all different ways.  Whether your almsgiving is time or money - give freely during Lent.  Every good gift we have comes from God, so when we give it away, we are glorifying our heavenly Father.  Be generous with what God gives us!  He is the great provider and will always surpass us in generosity.

Our Lenten Parish Mission this year is on Monday, February 26th, Tuesday, February 27th, and Wednesday, February 28th from 7 PM to 8:30 PM.  This parish mission is going to be spectacular and everyone needs to be there.  Clear your calendars and invite the entire world to come hear the message.  The speakers are engaging, entertaining, and inspiring as they speak about the call to Missionary Discipleship, the complete gift of oneself, and the 7 pillars of Evangelization.  They will equip all of us to go out and make Disciples.  Which is exactly what Jesus calls all of us to do.  Please spread the word and start talking about this!  

No matter what you decide for Lent decide SOMETHING.  Your extra sacrifices might end come Easter, but hopefully, your charitable acts and prayer time will continue into life-long habits.