Friday, July 1, 2022

Life is Hard

 I recently had an opportunity to walk alongside someone who was in crisis.  

This person recently experienced a tragic death, and living with the aftermath of this tremendous loss seems overwhelming, unfair, and to be honest pretty sucky.

My prayer to God in times like these is, "Why God?  We don't understand."  

I don't mean it rudely, or disrespectfully, but we teach that God is merciful and loving, and kind, and gentle and so often that is not our experience.  If prayer is merely talking to God, then as far as I am considered, that prayer counts.  

I am constantly reminded of that beautiful prayer we call the Serenity Prayer.

REASONABLY Happy.  REASONABLE Happy.  That is all we should expect in this life.  Can I say that I am reasonable Happy?  TOTALLY.  Perfectly Happy?  No.  Supremely Happy?  Definitely NOT.  But that is NEVER to be expected in this life.   (And yet, I think I have had some pretty supremely happy Moments!)  

Thank you Lord, for resetting the expectations.  For helping me understand that this is a broken world.  The Brokenness is not from you. But have you given us HOPE.  Hope for a supremely Happy life in the next!