Wednesday, April 27, 2022

When the things you pray for don't happen

Ask and you shall receive. Knock and the door will be opened.  

But what about when it doesn't turn out the way you prayed for?  What about when you don't receive it? Or when the door is slammed in your face?  I am going to be real for a minute.  There are good things that I pray for, and God answers my prayer with "No."    

I am not talking about winning the lottery, or some self-promoting prayer.  I am talking about healing.  I am talking about a child who, for whatever reason, doesn't beat her cancer.  I am talking about the most terrible thing you can ever imagine.  I was taught to pray expectantly.  To claim these answers from Heaven, and to thank God for answering them, even if it hasn't happened yet.  But how are we supposed to respond when the exact opposite of what we pray for happens?

How do we continue to trust God through that?   

I battled this hard recently and the best answer I came up with was, "Because I have no other choice."

The only other option from trusting God is trusting the world. AND I DEFINITELY Don't trust the world. Because we are NOT Living for this world.  This world is temporary and broken, and expecting to live forever here, is like expecting a woman to remain pregnant forever. 

So I have to move forward with Faith, even if I don't understand, even if it is hard.  God never leaves me. He walks with me through these difficult times.  He provides perfect consolation to let me know it is okay to be hurt. That he also was hurt by this world.  He doesn't expect us to walk through anything in this world, that he also didn't experience.  This brings me comfort.  This helps me heal.   

Pray for me!  I will pray for you!