Friday, March 11, 2022

Be an Instrument of Peace

Today’s Gospel is not my favorite – because it is especially tough.  Jesus speaks to all of us about the importance of reconciliation with one another.  Notice there is not a disclaimer about how we should seek to reconcile only if we intentionally hurt someone, or if we may have done something we weren’t supposed to do.   Jesus makes it clear that it is OUR responsibility to seek reconciliation “when we realize that someone has something against us.” 
Say what?  This is opposite from how our world responds to injustice.  Our culture today would argue that this is not our problem.  Just leave it alone and go on with your life, or post something on social media and publicly ridicule this offender.  This is how the world often responds.
Musician and Monk John Michael Talbot has an excellent reflection on this Gospel where he recalls that approaching the altar of the lord, and realizing that we have something against our brother or sister; well that’s easy – we can go to confession.  But if we realize that someone has something against us, we need to go talk to that person first.   This is the challenging part.
The prayer of St. Francis seems especially appropriate for these occasions in our life. Why should we bother ourselves with reconciling with those who might be difficult?  Because we want to be instruments of peace.  Because where there is hatred, we should be sowing love, and where there is injury, we should be seeking pardons.  It doesn’t matter who is injured.  It doesn’t matter who feels the hatred.  We are called to be instruments of peace in every situation!

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