Friday, February 18, 2022

Sorry it's been a while...

I have definitely been avoiding this blog for a bit.  It wasn't that I didn't have a lot to say, I just was having a hard time staying positive.

Do you ever go through those dark times?

I stopped praying regularly, and I stopped meditating on my awesome God.  I still talked to God, but it was more of a whine than a prayer.

And well, life has been a little crazy lately. Like Hurricane Crazy.

But in truth, things are good.  Isn't that when it all comes crashing down? When things are normal, it's like autopilot.  That is when it is hardest for me to connect with God.  When it seems all is well.

In an attempt to get back into a powerful prayer time here are a few things I think I need to do.  Maybe these are good for you as well. 

1.  Just sit and be quiet for at least 10 minutes a day.
2.  Read a prayerful or Christ-centered book for at least 10 minutes a day.
3. Be grateful for the normal that might exist at the moment.
4.  Seek out others that might not be experiencing normal, and walk with them through their darkness.

Pray for me Yall!  I will be praying for you!

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