Friday, March 4, 2022

Epic Fail Again, The Family prayer night...

I know amazing people whose children behave perfectly during mass,  do millions of hours of family service for other people, and participate in weekly or even nightly family prayer time.

Yes, this is happening out there.  Unfortunately, it isn't happening in my home. 

I know, I know. Shocker!  The lady who writes a blog called "Disciplechic" whose family attends two churches doesn't have a family prayer time.  (See me shrugging over here?)  I tried.

Now before you start judging me for judging myself, please know that I am super proud of my family.  My kids aren't terrible during Mass, and we do pray regularly. Usually, it is when I am sighing very loudly, "Lord have mercy" because some crazy thing is happening at that moment. (Think 5 kids explaining their Christmas wish list at the same exact time, and then arguing that they were talking first, at the same exact time.)    But we aren't good at planned family prayer time.

I was half hoping for Advent we could start a new tradition, and really spend this season anticipating the birth of Jesus. But my most recent advent efforts resulted in me lighting a candle, praying for hope, and my 16-year-old blowing it out immediately so that the dog doesn't eat the lit candle.  It lasted less than .02 seconds and I am pretty sure episodes of Judge Judy

Therefore, I decided to give up the idea of Family Prayer Night.  Then the Lord inspired with me a different idea.  Family prayer MORNING.  I know I am sort of an idiot sometimes.   We are definitely better morning people. So every school morning at 7 AM before my husband leaves for work before we take the dog for a walk. AFTER my 17-year-old is out of bed (sometimes not dressed) we spend 5 minutes in prayer.  We usually play a 2-minute video from the bible app or You Version and then read the scripture.  Then we all make a prayer request and pray together before heading out in five different directions. 


Now I am not sharing this to brag yall.  This is supposed to be inspiring.  If the family with 5 kids and two full-time working parents can do it, I KNOW YOU CAN TOO!

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