Wednesday, April 20, 2016

New favorite Song...

Lauren Daigle is my favorite Christian artist these days and this song which was NUMBER 1 on the Christian charts for a few weeks is so amazing.

The very first line of the song, really speaks to me. "Letting go of every single Dream, I lay each one at your feet."

Wait a minute.  What did she just say????  Did she just say, that she is letting go of EVERY single dream, and laying it at the feet of Jesus??!??!

Come on.  Lauren, don't say that.  Because if you're doing it, then I'll bet I'm supposed to do it too.  UGH UGH UGH.

Okay God, here I go.  I can give you the dream of having millions of dollars.  I am smart enough to know that dollars won't bring me closer to you.  I can give that dream to you.  Nooo Problem. I got this.

And you know, I can lay the dream of being a size 2, supermodel type at your feet too.  As much as I would love to be drop dead, head turning gorgeous, it would probably be a curse having to turn all those admiring dudes away.  I can lay that dream at your feet, and be content with how I look.  Thank you.

But what about those dreams I have, that I swear are your dreams for me?  You want those dreams too??  The dreams where my kids become, priests and nuns, or start their own missionary organization, or even become the first Baptist Pope?

Or how about my dream that my husband and I become national speakers on how to become a powerhouse couple for Christ.  Do you want that dream too?  OR can't i keep that one, because I think you would really really love that one, God.  That would be AWESOME.

Wait, you want that dream too, don't you God?

So if I am supposed to lay all these dreams of mine at your feet, then what SHOULD I be dreaming of?  What can I have to motivate me forward on this journey I am on, if it's not for some wonderful dream of what is yet to come?


IS that what I just heard you say?  I should be dreaming of YOU!  Of course.  You are amazing.  You are so loving, and comforting, and creative, and powerful, and dreamy.  You really are dreamy.   I should be dreaming of you, and only you, and only YOUR will for my life.  (And who knows?  Maybe some of those dreams of mine are YOURs as well, but my focus should always be YOU!)

Wow.  You just taught me that.  Right here on this Blog.  Didn't you God???  From that one line, on that one song.

Which by the way is an amazing song about trusting you through every hardship.  Oh boy God, you have really been driving that lesson home lately.

The chorus, which is SOOO amazing, goes like this:
If you don't move the mountains, I needed you to move;
If you don't part the waters, I wish I could walk through;
If you don't give me answers, as I cry out to you;
I will trust, I will trust, I will trust in you!

Yes, Lord.  I will trust you no matter what happens.  I can't say it will be easy.  And as we have already established I suck at suffering, but I can do it with you next to me.

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