Monday, January 11, 2016

Let's lighten things up a bit...

I realize I have bit a bit heavy lately.  So it's time to explore some of the lighter sides of my mind.

Recently I have had some conversations with a friend who made her own Blessed Mother doll for her girls to snuggle with at night.  It is an absolutely adorable and soft doll that brings comforts to her girls, and reminds us that Mary is always helping us.  I am a big fan of her title "Mary Help of Christians."

Tales of Glory Mary
So Cute!!!  It reminded me of this conversation I had with a Walmart employee in Charlotte, NC one time when I found a "Tales of Glory" Mary doll on a Walmart shelf.  I went to the register to buy the doll, but they wouldn't sell it to me.  They told me she had been recalled, and they were not allowed to let me purchase the doll.  I guess they thought she was dangerous or something.  I was welcome to have the Jesus doll, but Mary was unavailable for purchase.  (I already had Jesus, both the doll and the Man.)

Hmmmm.  Interesting.  I considered the entire conversation prejudiced against Catholics, and in a heavily evangelical mecca such as Charlotte, it was not unfounded.  The back and forth with the confused lady at the cash register was completely hillarious.  At some point unbeknownst to her, I turned the conversation into an argument about faith, and not about dolls.    Needless to say it was memorable.

Remembering this funny story made me want to see all the other fun little Catholic gifts we can give to our children.  Many of these things are not just cool for kids, but for Adults too.

Hair Bows for Life!  Every little girl LOVES gigantic bows.  Let her sport her favorite Saint while she is sporting her latest up do.  Check out these bows at the following link:  Hair Bows for Life

Holy Toast Stamper I am not sure what to say about this next crazy Catholic thing.  But this would be a great conversation starter at your kids lunch table.  (And possibly a good reminder to say your prayers while you eat your sandwich.)  Either way, you can purchase this crazy Catholic gift on Amazon here: Holy Toast Stamper.

Jesus Bandages.  Oh boy, talk about sending the right message to your kids with this one.  Not only does Jesus heal, he protects, comforts, and makes your boo boos feel better.  Another fun thing from Amazon:  Jesus Bandages

Lego Rosaries:  This would make praying a rosary totally appealing to my boys.  What a fun and unique way to get the kids engaged in praying a rosary with the family.  Found these for sale on Etsy.

And while we are are discussing Catholic things made from Legos, here is a link to a blog article from Catholic Icing, with all sorts of other ideas for kids to make from LEGOS!  Super fun!!

This last one is definitely more for the grown ups.  I hope none of you think it is inappropriate.  I think Jesus has a sense of humor, and this coffee mug makes me laugh.  Jesus Shaves mug also from Amazon.  When you pour hot liquid in the mug, Jesus' beard disappears.   

Enjoy your life everyone!!!

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