Thursday, November 19, 2015

Awesome new app! (Or new to me at least.)

This is from a new app called First 5.  It's all about giving God the first 5 minutes of our day.  It even allows you to use this as your alarm each morning.   It's from the people behind Proverbs 31
Ministries.  It has become a wonderful go to place for a quick mediation to keep me focused on the right things!!!

#First5 @First5App

Each morning has an inspiring quote or focus and then it is followed by a brief message.  Right now they are going through the book of Matthew.  Check it out!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Okay, the summer ended up being a trillion times crazier than even I expected...

So please forgive me Internet!  I basically went under for a while.  SH*T went down, and I sort of sank with it.  I guess that is life.  You know when we talk about how we live in an imperfect world. Well I hate to admit it, but I saw that first hand recently.

But Thank GOD this is not all we have.  It's not about this world, and no one ever promised life would be easy.  But I am learning to express Joy in ALL THINGS!!

Phillippians 4:4  "Rejoice in the Lord, Always, Again I say REJOICE!"

So here we GO!!!

Thank you Lord for all the recent events in my life, that totally turned my world upside down!!!
Thank you Lord for choosing me to experience hardship so that I can learn TOTAL dependence on you!
Thank you Lord for giving me a full plate that proves you are working in my life.  (Because no human being could possibly handle all of this alone.)
Thank you Lord for giving me amazing friends, and family that help support me when I am down.
Thank you Lord for giving me wisdom to know when you are guiding me up a certain path.  (I have been walking UP hill for a while now, not down hill.)
Thank you Lord for giving me the courage to do things differently than the world would have suggested.
Thank you Lord for opening my eyes to all the things you want me to see.
Thank you Lord for everything good and bad thing!

I will be honest I have not prayed a ROSARY in a while.  I have not really talked to Mary, our blessed mother, in a while either.  Not that I was avoiding her, but I was sort of involved with her son.  Now we moved over the summer, and I have placed some new pictures I inherited from my Mother of her in my room.  This one picture of her she looks BEAUTIFUL!!!  Like Angelina Jolee or some other Hollywood Beautiful.  Not dressed inappropriately, but adorned GRACEFULLY, and like a queen.  And yet, she has such a humble stature, and looks completely embarrassed that I might have a picture of her in my room.  Like she is not worthy of it.

So I am thinking of how she must have felt AFTER Gabriel appeared to her to announce the birth of Jesus, and she responded with her beautiful, trusting YES.  The Magnificat, where she prays her soul proclaims the Greatness of the Lord, sounds a little bit like when I have made a good choice and I feel good about it.  Except multiplied by a trillion.

Then I think about what she must have thought after the Crucifixion.  Was she angry at God?  Did she feel betrayed?  Did she feel like some terrible thing must have gone wrong?  Did she feel like her choice to say yes to God was a mistake????  I think I would have thought those things, but looking at her picture on my wall, I don't think she thought them.  I think she thought, God you must have a good reason to do those things. So I will wait to hear from you for what I should do next.

Yes, I believe she is worthy of being called Blessed.  She is pretty spectacular.  And she never seems to want to keep my attention.  She always point me toward her son.  Just like at the wedding of Cana, she will say to me, "Do whatever he tells you."