Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Sorry it's been a while...life got real

The good news is nothing catastrophic happened that kept me from blogging.  

But if any of you are real people with real lives, you'll understand how the treadmill of life tends to speed up just before a shift in schedule occurs.  

It's like the momentum of the turn is so fast it whips you around leaving you breathless for a few moments while you get used to a new schedule.  Ahhhhh life, so full of surprises and exhaustion.  How blessed I am to have so much to keep me breathless.  

So I did read a few catholic mom blogs in my spare time. (Okay I read one.) real catholic mom.  Omg. That could be me.  There are so many good catholic mom blogs out there, and yet the people we are all trying to reach are so busy with life, who has time to read them.  I guess I don't care.  I don't really write for others. I sort of write to keep track of my own thoughts.  

So happy reading and writing, and hopefully you all (whoever you are) will catch your breath as we dive into our summer plans!!!