Wednesday, August 27, 2014

I am always stressing about my kids...

There are so many things that can go wrong...

So a while ago, before my Mom passed away, I asked her how did she do it.  How did she manage to raise four children and we all turned out decent.  (Not meaning to toot my own horn.)  I mean none of spent time in jail, or flunked out of school, or ended up with serious drug addictions, or really experienced any number of troubles that a lot of kids faced.  I really thought her response would be something along the lines of commenting on how blessed we were, referring really to just random luck or something.

Instead she looked right at me, and almost resentfully admitted, "ON MY KNEES!!!  THAT's HOW I DID IT!!!!"   At first I didn't realize what she meant.  But now as a Mom I am beginning to realize the real need to lift my children in prayer.  Offering them to GOD as HIS, and asking him to continually lead them towards him!  

So I better get busy, after all there are five of them to pray for!!!

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