My family...

I am a wife to one and Mother to five.  I will be honest a lot of my writing revolves around my thoughts OUTSIDE of my children.  I am not the most perfect parent, and I don't have a lot of original ideas when it comes to making this family thing work.  However, these kids are the greatest gift GOD has ever given us, and it is clear he chose the perfect ones for us.

Luke my oldest, is into all things "techy" as he would describe.  He is my child most likely to burst into song at any moment.  He is full of energy, questions, and very adventurous.  A dangerous combination for a child, but a powerful one for an adult, I am praying!!!
 Mattie, whose real name is Mary Martha is our star gymnast.  She is also an amazing big sister, always taking care of all her brothers and sisters.  I tell her all the time, that I know I did something right, because God gave me HER!!!  (I actually say that to all of them, but I mostly mean that with her!!!)
Cade is my Momma's boy, although he LOVES playing baseball with his Dad too.  He has a great personality, confident but sweet, and is growing up into a smart little boy. 
 Grace has so much spark and personality it bursts out of her at times, and at other times she is so chill and relaxed she just goes with the flow. 
Haley is our youngest and acts like she has been here the whole time.  She is showing a few signs of being a strong willed child, which gives me a glipse of God's sense of humor.  Thanks God!!!  But she is a bundle of awesomeness and we couldn't imagine our family with out her.

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